
Mixes designed  to Perform

Reaching strengths up to 18,000 psi, SRM Concrete’s mix design options are limitless. Whether you need fast-setting, high-strength, or pumpable mixes, our concrete gives customers multiple ways to meet specs while saving time and money.

Our expert-designed, high-strength, performance, and workable mixes are engineered to meet the needs of any project.

STEELFOOT is a performance footing mix providing reinforcement that non-reinforced footing mixes do not. Benefits include improved strength, reduced labor, quicker consolidation, as well as having a slump range of 6 to 8inches and additional reinforcement in the concrete mix.

CONSOLICRETE eliminates the need for vibration and manual compaction in hard to reach areas with congested reinforcement. CONSOLICRETE is self levelling and reduces labor and workmanship levels, providing a high qualityconcrete with an excellent surface finish. Additional benefits are slump ranges to 8 to 9 inches, reduced honeycombing possibilities, less vibration, and shorter construction times.

TEMPCRETE is a performance mix specifically designed to accelerate the heat of hydration in concrete in all temperatures. This mix was made to produce dramatically enhanced finishing characteristics, aiding in reaching set times within 5 hours, and avoiding wasting man hours in freezing temperatures.

EZ-DRIVE is a product designed for exterior flatwork, such as driveways, that will provide easier and faster placement. This product can be placed up to a 6 inch slump and provides for increased durability and surfaces free from dusting, crazing, and scaling (when placed according to ACI recommended practices). EZ-DRIVE can be placed in hot or cold weather with dependable set times.

Our WALLCRETE mix has been designed for numerous means of placement, from 2 inch line pumps to bucketing. This product can be poured up to a 7 inch slump without compromising strength and having dependable set times. Additonal benefits include quicker consolidation and easier and faster placement.

FLOWP RO is an appropriate mix for all of your backfill needs. It is supplied in either low or high density grades that are 100% compaction free. The high flowability also makes it easily excavatable in the future. Easy placement makes a more conomical solution than standard backfill material, as well as safer for workers on the job site.

PUMPCRETE is a 3000 or 4000 psi mix and is specifically designed for superior pumpability. It may be used in all types of applications and can be placed up to a 6" slump without reduction in strength or set times.

EZ-DRAIN is an environmentally friendly material for parking and drive areas. It reduces storm water runoff allowing for more efficient land development and eliminates the need for detention ponds and other costly stormwater management practices. This is a pervious mix.